Saturday, June 6, 2009

DataCore Announces Advanced Site Recovery (ASR) for Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware vSphere

At Microsoft TechEd North America, DataCore announced and demonstrated at the Partner Expo a pre-release version of our ASR technology. ASR allows customers to have site level Distributed Disaster Recovery (D-DR). In simple terms, with ASR you can take a primary datacenter (site 1) and divide it into a single or multiple pieces (multiple sites) and perform 1 to many D-DR. ASR is bi-directional out of the box meaning that users can move to their DR site or sites and return or remerge back to the primary, what we call Reverse Disaster Recovery (R-DR). Leveraging DataCore's ASR product users can execute D-DR and R-DR with 2 (yes, I really mean two) clicks.  Did I mention that ASR supports both physical and virtual servers?


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